Features of Shopaholic free online games
Being a shopaholic is not the same as just being engaged in shopping from time to time. At least, in the real life that starts when you go offline. There, being a shopaholic is having a serious trouble with your finances and time as this is considered a mental disorder.
However, in the world of online free games, this is yet another manifestation of shopping games. Light variations are possible and may be such:
- if the regular shopping is about purchases in one store, then shopaholic is buying from many places or fulfilling some quest (like, for instance, a need to buy 5 different items of clothing that you have to find first in several different stores)
- the process of shopping can be aggravated and realized as the main storyline – for those games with storylines. For instance, if a regular game for buying is about visiting a store and dressing yourself up – then these ones can be like a need to visit many stores, earning points for that, fulfilling goals – and go further on another purchase quest. So, the story is to buy to become able to buy more, progressing through levels.
Is there anything exciting about Shopaholic games played for free?
Nothing more exciting than just shopping genre, which you have probably already played. Can we highlight anything particular? Well, we don’t want to make spoilers – so select yourself and be surprised.