Construct3 is an engine and editor that is designed to make games. Construct3 and Construct2 are nearly the same things in our gaming catalog on the website — only the version of the engine differs. But we’ve separated them just in case. Some of them show a different functionality even in similarly built games, so having them separated is better. As for us.
Free Construct3 games are created by thousands of enthusiasts and professionals on a yearly basis. The company headquarter is located in London. According to information from the company itself, over 200,000 new projects are created every month using their product. If that’s true, it means that it’s great — hundreds of thousands of people use it to make games of all sorts, not just Construct3 online games but also those installable ones. By the way, the Construct3 engine can create games for all popular mobile and tabletop platforms.
It is positioned like a tool that needs no coding. So, even the beginning gaming creators can use it to start doing something (even if they shifted to this area from some completely different one). Still, the tool supports the code insertion if a game designer wants it to make things even cooler and more individual.
One of the main features of this engine + creator is that it does not need installation. A man only needs Internet access and a device to work (a laptop or PC since a mobile phone or tablet won’t do). The entire working process of creating an offline or online Construct3 game for free or for payment happens in a mobile browser. So there will be no installation, updates, or configuring. The creators of the engine tell this is the optimal way to create a lot of different games and start monetizing them (if they suppose to be paid). Well, are you starting to wish to play these? Or, maybe, you want to develop something in this engine yourself?