Some gamers might have a fairly reasonable question: if most (if not all) games require clicking, then how exactly do clickers differ from others?
That is partially true. But not completely, though. There is a list of particular differences that clicker free games to play online have from others:
1. Most importantly, you need to click a lot to reach gaming goals. A LOT. The mechanics of the game is that it keeps your fingers busy most of the time as you play.
2. One particular click is designed to be a tiny bit of the process. Individually, it is worth nearly nothing. It only starts being of importance when combined with hundreds and thousands of other clicks. That’s exactly how much you could click per level. As for the entire game span, you might need to click millions or tens of millions of times to complete the game — if it’s complete-able.
3. Some clickers are designed to be endless so you simply keep growing/improving/excelling until you’re done with that game because you’re tired.
4. Unlike other games, where you can make a lot of other screen interactions like swiping, dragging, or holding, in clickers, the overwhelming part of the process is made specifically to click. Or, if you play on a touch screen, to tap.
5. There are clicker online games to play for free, which simply make you tap for time and/or for a result. These may be called severe clickers. An example of that is the ‘Ladybug Miraculous Clicker’, where a short initial time can be expanded on and on, depending on how well you click. But there are also moderate ones, where you click once in a while and can combine tapping/clicking with other actions, like swiping, dragging, or holding. These can be called clickers of moderate intensity. An example of the latter is the game ‘Super Breaker’, where you hold and swipe a ball platform to break the tiles of the level. Or ‘Falling Ball 3D’, where you click and sway to make falling balls move.
Play now and have huge fun with our clicker free online games!