What are Building games?
Yes, you get it right – you have to build something. Not specifically, it must be a building or a city. It can be something smaller – like your house. And resources for that can vary – crystals, wood, coins, minerals, ores, fossilized fuel and so on. In order to get them, you have to perform some actions.
For instance, in the ‘Farm of Dreams’, your gaining will depend on the completed levels – a match game (you build lines of the same items in rows or columns and get through levels). In ‘Forge of Empires’ and ‘Vikings: War of Clans’ as well as in the ‘Stormfall: Age of War’ and similar well-balanced and big-scale economic strategies, there are many ways to ear resources besides of gathering – like win them when you defeat your enemy. Or make a trade between tribes, kingdoms or whatever economical unit will you have in those games.
But not all games of this genre are exclusively based on such behavioral line. Some of them are shooters – like ‘Mario Sonic Zombie Kill’. Or tower defence games – despite the fact that tower defence is the separate genre, they may also be attributed to this one.
Features of free online Building games
- the development is one of the main things – but not the most important
- by-side features are also of high importance: struggling with your enemies or defending your belongings are also parts of the gameplay – in whatever matter they would be expressed
- building feature embraces games from several subgenres: shooters, strategies, tower defending, matchers, and even Minecraft are included.